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Privacy Policy



In accordance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, and specifically in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter, the General Data Protection Regulations), and by Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, LOPD), MICUIR informs users of the Privacy Policy that will apply to the processing of personal data that the User provides or has provided to MICUIR, as the case may be.


Below you will find all the relevant information applicable to the use we make of the personal data of our clients and users, regardless of the channel or medium through which you interact with MICUIR: through our website (hereinafter, the Web) or through our physical store located in Madrid.


The present privacy policy will always be available through the Web so that you can consult it when you consider it appropriate, and also and whenever MICUIR requests personal data for a specific purpose, we will inform you in detail of the specific treatment that will be carried out in each case with your data. 


Who is responsible for processing the data?


Any personal data provided will be processed by LUJART 2021, S.L., (hereinafter, MICUIR), whose contact details are as follows: 


Address: C/ Claudio Coello, 90, 28006 Madrid 

Tax Identification Code: B05488366

Email for data protection purposes: [email protected]


What do we process the data for? What do we process the data for? Why do we process them? And... Until when?


Personal data will be processed for different purposes, depending on the reason for which they were provided and the relationship, if any, that exists with MICUIR. 


We will then determine the main purposes for which we may process your data:


1. Manage the existing commercial relations between MICUIR and its clients or suppliers.


If you are a client or supplier of MICUIR, your data are processed to manage the relationship that unites us. If you offer us a service or product, or if, on the contrary, it is we who provide the service to you, for example through our online store, both parties need the data in order to communicate, bill and inform us about the operation and processes used by each party in the normal development of its activities. 


In these cases, that is to say, whether you are a client of MICUIR for making use of our online shop, or if you are a service provider, the data processed by MICUIR are the identification data (name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, postal code, telephone...) and the economic, financial or banking data, necessary to manage fundamentally the invoicing/payment of products of the online shop and all the fiscal obligations associated with the relationship.


Specifically, the data of our customers (meaning customers, those users who have made a purchase through the Web or our showroom), will be used for:

a) Contact you in those cases in which there is an incident or important communication regarding your order or purchase.

b) Manage the payment of purchased products, regardless of the means of payment used.

c) Manage possible returns once you have made a purchase and manage requests for product information.

d) For billing purposes and to manage the creation of tickets and invoices for the purchases you have made.

e) Activate the necessary mechanisms in order to prevent potential fraud during the purchase process.

f) Send surveys that allow us to know your degree of satisfaction with MICUIR, and with it, improve our services.

The legitimacy for the data processing specified in paragraphs a), b), c) and d) lies in the execution of the contract between the parties (Sales contract in the case of customers, and service provision contract in the case of MICUIR suppliers). Treatments e) and f) are based on the legitimate interest of MICUIR


The data will therefore be kept for as long as the business relationship between the two parties remains in force.


If you are a customer, we will treat your data for the time necessary to manage your purchases, including possible returns, complaints or claims associated with the purchase of such products from the customer service department.


We also inform you that said data may be communicated to third parties involved in the development of the existing relationship for the exclusive purpose of enabling them to correctly execute the functions assigned to them (financial entities, fraud detection and prevention entities, technological service providers, suppliers and collaborators of logistics, transport and delivery services, providers of services related to customer service, providers and collaborators of services related to marketing and advertising) and for the time strictly necessary to carry out their work, not being treated by them or kept beyond what is defined herein. 

Crush me

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ("GDPR"), you are hereby informed that, should you select the Aplazame deferred payment service, your name, surname, ID or NIE, e-mail address, billing and delivery address and the product you wish to purchase and its price will be transferred to APLAZAME, S.L. (hereinafter "APLAZAME"), domiciled in Madrid (28020), Calle Tiziano, 5, N.I.F B-87.074.977, so that APLAZAME can process the financing request and, if necessary, analyze, evaluate and manage the loans that you as a user request, in accordance with its data protection policy that you can find at

At any time, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability and limitation of the data that correspond to you as a user, by sending a communication to. [email protected]

There will be no transfers outside the foreseen cases (except those required by legal obligation) nor will there be international transfers.

2. To respond to queries, requests or requests made by users and sent through any of the contact emails provided on the Web ([email protected], [email protected] o [email protected]) or through the Web chat and follow up on them.


In other words, if you want to contact us to make a query or request and you send us an e-mail to one of the specified addresses or you access the online chat, your data (the identification data that you have provided us with via e-mail and the e-mail address from which you write to us) will be processed by MICUIR in order to answer your request or query.  


Obviously, we would not have your data nor could we answer you if you had not previously written to us, reason why the base of the consent to carry out this treatment will be the own consent that you have given us when contacting us in a voluntary way. 


In any case, these data will be kept by MICUIR for the time necessary to respond to your request or query and give this by definitively closed. Subsequently, if within two months of our reply, such contact has not given rise to a business relationship between the two, they will be deleted.


If your query is sent via chat, you need to know that the chat function is owned by Shopify. By using the chat you also accept its conditions of use and its privacy policy.


3. Manage your registration as a user on the Web


In this case, in addition to the identification data that will be requested (name, surname, address, contact telephone number...and in general all those marked with an asterisk as compulsory data), the user will be asked for a password in order to subsequently verify each one of the accesses to their account. 


We will therefore treat your data to identify you as a user of the same and give you access to the different functionalities of the Web for registered users. 


The basis of legitimacy for this treatment is found in the consent you expressly give us when you tick the box created for this purpose showing your desire to create an account and entering a password for that purpose.


We will treat your data for as long as you maintain the status of registered user on our website, ie indefinitely until you request to proceed to unsubscribe.

4. Manage the Newsletter service and other marketing purposes

MICUIR will use your data to send commercial advertising communications and personalised information about our products or services by electronic means, provided that you have expressly requested registration for the Newsletter service, by filling in the form located on the Website and accepting the applicable data protection policy by ticking the corresponding box.


MICUIR will process the identifying data provided by the users subscribed to the Newsletter for the purpose of sending such communications, specifically e-mail.


The basis of legitimacy for this treatment is found in the consent you give us expressly when you fill in your mail on the Web and tick the box created for the purpose showing your desire to register for this service. 


You can withdraw your consent at any time and free of charge, although this will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out previously or the fact that you are making a purchase again, but once it has been withdrawn, you will not receive the MICUIR Newsletter again.


You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter by sending an email to [email protected] or by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each Newsletter we send you. or by clicking on the unsubscribe link that you will find in each Newsletter we send you.


This data processing involves the analysis of your user profile, so, based on legitimate interest we will study your preferences in order to determine which products best fit your style when sending information. 


The personal data used to send the Newsletter will be kept, for this purpose, indefinitely, unless you request cancellation or show your opposition to continue receiving such communications.


We also inform you that said data may be communicated to third parties involved in the design and/or sending of these communications on behalf of MICUIR (technology service providers and providers and collaborators of services related to marketing and advertising) and for the time strictly necessary to carry out their work, not being processed by them or kept beyond what is defined herein. 


On the other hand, MICUIR can carry out contests or promotional actions of the brand through its Web or its profiles in social networks. In such cases, your participation will be subject to prior acceptance of the legal bases and the corresponding data protection policy, which you will always have available in the publication communicating the action. In these cases, your data will be treated under the conditions specified in each of the legal bases. We recommend that you always read these bases carefully before participating. 


Likewise, MICUIR informs that events, campaigns or any other type of advertising information about the services it offers or the actions it carries out will be published through its social networks. The user accepts to be the recipient of said information by the mere fact of becoming a "friend" or "follower" of MICUIR on social networks. If you don't want to receive this information in your social network profiles, you must stop following us in them.

5. Manage the participation of users in applicant selection processes when they have completed the corresponding Web form.

In this case, in addition to the identification data included in the form itself, all the data included in the curriculum sent will be processed, such as academic and professional data, training/qualifications, student history, professional experience, belonging to professional associations or colleges...

The legitimacy for the treatment of your data, in relation to the sending of curriculum and inscriptions in job offers that we can publish, is based on the consent that you give when you fill in the form and send your curriculum. Such consent may be withdrawn at any time, although this would render your application ineligible for consideration in our recruitment processes. Also inform you that the withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the treatments carried out previously.

In any case, your data will be deleted after two years from the sending of your CV.

6. To comply with the legal obligations demanded of MICUIR, as well as to carry out statistical studies. that allow us to design improvements in the services provided based on our legitimate interest.


MICUIR will always keep your data for the time strictly necessary to fulfill each of the specified purposes. At the end of these periods, your data will be duly conserved and protected for as long as responsibilities deriving from the processing may arise, in compliance with the regulations in force at any given time. Once they prescribe the possible actions in each case, we will proceed to the suppression of your data.


Where do we store the data?


The personal data provided will be stored using the appropriate guarantees of protection required by the applicable legislation.

What rights do you have regarding the processing of your data?


The user, the owner of the data processed by MICUIR, may do so in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations:


  • access your personal data
  • request the rectification of your inaccurate data 
  • request the deletion of your data and exercise your right to oblivion 
  • request a limitation on the processing of your data
  • oppose the processing of your data 
  • request your portability
  • submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you consider that the processing of your personal data is not adequate to the regulations or if you are not satisfied with the exercise of any of your rights.


The User may exercise all these rights by writing to MICUIR's registered office included in this document or by sending an email to [email protected], indicating the reason for the request and attaching a copy of your ID card or other valid identification document for these purposes.


The user is responsible for the truthfulness of the information provided to MICUIR by any means provided for this purpose. To this end, it will be responsible for the veracity of all the data that it communicates and will keep the information provided conveniently updated, in such a way that it always responds to its real situation. The user shall be liable for any false or inaccurate information provided and for any damage caused to MICUIR.


In the event that a user decides to provide the personal data of third parties (such as when he decides to purchase and send a MICUIR gift card to a third party), he undertakes, under his sole responsibility, to have obtained their prior consent for their data to be processed by MICUIR, having previously informed them of all the provisions of article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulations.


What security measures do we take to protect your data?


MICUIR will never share the personal data provided by users with third parties without having obtained the prior consent of the owner of the data, unless legally obliged to do so. 


MICUIR guarantees the security and confidentiality of the personal data provided to it. To this end, it has implemented the technical and organisational security measures necessary to prevent unauthorised alteration, loss, treatment or access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations. 


MICUIR will apply the following principles to the treatment of your data:


  • Principle of lawfulness, loyalty and transparency: MICUIR shall require consent to the processing of users' personal data by clearly and transparently informing them of the specific purposes for which they will be processed and of any other information required by law.


  • Principle of data minimisation: MICUIR will only request and process personal data that is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is requested.


  • Principle of limitation of the storage period: the data will be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes of the processing, depending on the purpose. MICUIR will inform you of the conservation period that applies in each case. 


  • Principle of integrity and confidentiality: The user's data will be treated guaranteeing adequate security and confidentiality. 


Changes to the Privacy Policy


MICUIR reserves the right to modify this policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudence and to practices or decisions adopted by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or the European Data Protection Group of Article 29. In such cases, MICUIR shall announce the changes introduced on its Website or by the means it deems most appropriate. In any case, we recommend that you review this policy, which is permanently available on our website, with each of your visits or purchases. 

Updated 10 October 2019