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Article: Tricks to sleep well and smell of white fruits and flowers.

Tips for sleeping well and smelling of white fruits and flowers

Tips for sleeping well and smelling of white fruits and flowers

"It's not you, it's me. That's what spring would say to you if it were a person and you sat down to talk about how tired you are these days. And it wouldn't be an excuse. It would be telling you the truth. If you've been feeling lacking in energy lately, finding it harder to concentrate than usual or even having trouble sleeping, we've got the culprit: spring asthenia.

We want you to know that you are not alone. Experts say that, although there are no definitive studies, almost half of the Spanish population suffers the consequences of the change of season. Don't worry, the Micuir team comes to the rescue to help you face this time.

Tips for overcoming spring asthenia

It may sound obvious, but the first of all is to rest properly. If, in our day-to-day lives, it is more than advisable to sleep eight hours a day, with the time change it becomes almost a vital necessity. 

In addition, establishing a daily bedtime routine will help our body to regain control after the increase in daylight hours. If we also eat dinner earlier and sit down to eat about two hours before going to bed, our body will thank us more than ever. 

Start the day on the right foot

The same goes for the start of the day. Starting our day by waking up at the same time and having a good shower is essential to start the day with energy. At this point, it's time to confess one of the secrets of the #teamMicuir: our body spray.

A perfume with olfactory notes of lemon, freesia and fig. It is designed exclusively for Micuir and, without a doubt, it is our best ally to face the day with a smile. 


Lastly, and although it may sound contradictory, your other great partner partner against spring asthenia will be the sun. Thanks to the sun, we generate Vitamin D, which is responsible for keeping calcium at bay in our body and preventing our bones from weakening. So now you know, a short walk in the park or a quiet chat with friends in the sun will be your best plans for this time of year.

Turn your home into an oasis of peace 

Nor can we forget our home. That space in which we begin and end our day and which we sometimes forget a little. 

It's time to return to the promise we made in the first blog entry (do you remember? We wanted to give you a moment for you with your coffee and our most personal corner) and reveal the second secret of the #teamMicuir: our home spray.


A fragrance created with a combination of fruits and white flowers that will fill your home with energy and strength thanks to its discreet and refined aroma. Once you try it, you can't live without it. 

Now you can. We are sure that if you apply all these tips and tricks in your everyday life, you will be able to sit down with spring again and finally say to her: "Girlfriend, let's enjoy together". 


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